Technical Specification–
- Drill :-
- RPM :- Runs at 1000 rpm.
- Variable Speed :- The speed can be controlled through the trigger. The speed can be increased by pressing the trigger and can be reduced by slowly releasing the trigger.
- Battery :- Two Batteries are provided with every single machine. Life of the battery after fully charged is 40 mins and one battery life is approx 90 to 100 surgeries.
- Dual Option :- Has got forword and reverse options and by attaching a screw driver, can insert or remove screw.
- Cannulation:- Through and through cannulation given for the use of K – Wire.
- Transfer rings :- 02 transfer rings are provided with every single machine to insert the batteries.
- Adapters :- Adapters are Provided for various types of reamers, i.e- Hudson adpter for Johson , A.O type adapter for Indian make reamers, A.O reamers and Manman reamers. System has inbuilt Zimmer type adapter for Zimmer and Stryker reamers. Also we provide 02 screw drivers
( Standard size – 3.5 & 4.5 ) .
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